Major projects
We're investing in a number of innovative projects to deliver services which contribute to the health and wellbeing of current and future generations.

Waste to energy facility
Climate change and Melbourne’s growing population are placing strain on finite resources like water and energy. It is important that we plan for and adapt to this changing environment.
We are building waste to energy facilities that process commercial food waste into clean, renewable energy. Turning food waste into energy helps to reduce landfill and cut greenhouse gas emissions, while reducing our energy costs helps us to keep water bills lower.

Craigieburn Sewage Transfer Hub
Yarra Valley Water constructed new sewerage infrastructure in Craigieburn to improve our capacity to collect, store and transfer sewage flows from future developments in Melbourne’s northern suburbs.

Amaroo and Lockerbie Main Sewer
The Amaroo and Lockerbie Main Sewer projects involved building critical sewerage infrastructure to service proposed developments between Craigieburn and Wallan in Melbourne's northern growth corridor.

Hazelwynde Project
We’re exploring a potential opportunity to partner to create a sustainable, water efficient community on land we own in Melbourne’s north.

Exploring green hydrogen
As part of our commitment to innovate to tackle the challenges of climate change, go beyond zero carbon and create a brighter future for communities and the environment, we’re proposing to build a green hydrogen production facility to provide ‘green’ renewable hydrogen as a clean source of energy to power homes, vehicles and industry.