I need help with my account
Get information on reading your bill, understanding charges, concession information, and what to do if you need financial support.
MyAccount customer trial
We've successfully completed the MyAccount trial and are pleased to announce that MyAccount is now live.
Prepare for summer
Read our essential tips to get bushfire ready, know how to report leaks and bursts, use water wisely and stay hydrated.
Cyber security
We’re committed to safeguarding your data and ensuring your personal information is secure.
Development Services system upgrade
We’ve redesigned our Build Over Easement (BOE) application responses so the key information is clearly presented.
I need information about building and renovating
Information about building for developers, consultants, plumbers, or if you're planning to renovate at home.
I need information about my water meter
Find out how to read your meter, and what to do if you need to move or replace a water meter.
I need to save water
Get advice on how you can save water around the home, at work or in the community.
Customer research and testing
Learn about our trusted research partners and the wide range of customer research and testing.
Access Easy English documents
We've worked with accessible information specialists SCOPE, to translate fact sheets and key information into Easy English.
I need information about recycled water
Find out where recycled water is available and how to use it safely.
I need a bulk water permit
Find out how to access water from fire hydrants and filling stations where access to our reticulated water supply is not available.
PFAS and water quality testing
Find out more about about our comprehensive water quality monitoring program to ensure our water is safe and high quality.
I need information about food waste to energy
Our food waste to energy facility processes commercial food waste into clean, renewable energy.
Scam warnings
Beware of a scam that offers customers discounts on their water bill.
Severe weather impacts
Report a fault or learn more about the impact of severe weather.
Complaints, compliments and feedback
We’re committed to making sure our products and services meet your expectations and we value your feedback about our performance.
I need general bushfire information
Get information on bushfires, how to be prepared, access to water, what to do after a bushfire and more.

Help & Advice
If you need basic advice or professional information to manage your water at home or work, you can find help right here.
Manage water and sewerage

Choose Tap
Tap water is better for your health, the environment and your hip pocket.
Choose Tap is a Yarra Valley Water initiative that promotes the benefits of drinking tap water as part of healthy lifestyle, and as a positive alternative to bottled water.