Yarra Valley Water


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Access asset (GIS) information

Find Yarra Valley Water infrastructure in one easy-to-use map

View up-to-date locations

Both the desktop-based Asset Map, and the mobile-friendly PipeTracker site contain up-to-date locations of our current sewer, water and non-drinking water infrastructure. Planned infrastructure is only available in the Asset Map.

Please note: Hazards and critical locations such as hospitals and shopping centres are not displayed on this map. Please contact us on 1300 853 811 for more information.

Important notice: Our GIS services are published in the Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020).

On a mobile device? Use Yarra Valley Water PipeTrackerperson holding mobile phone with map

PipeTracker is a fast, simple asset map for quick access to key Yarra Valley Water asset information.

PipeTracker is supported on mobile (Android / iOS) and desktop (Windows, Mac) devices, and supports Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera and Edge. Internet Explorer is not recommended.

Open PipeTracker


PipeTracker Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access PipeTracker? Is there an App?

PipeTracker is available at https://pipetracker.yvw.com.au. There is no App to download, just navigate to the address in your browser!

You can add a home screen shortcut to the page on your iOS or Android device for quick access:

  • Android / Chrome: Load web page, select ‘three dots’ in top right corner of Chrome, and select ‘Add to Home Screen’
  • iPhone / Safari: Load web page, select ‘share’ icon, and select ‘add to home screen’
How do I navigate to a property?

There are a few ways to navigate within the PipeTracker page:

  • Use the search box  for a predictive address search search icon
  • The ‘Current Location’ icon location icon zooms the map to your current location, based on your device’s location information – you may need to provide permission for this in your browser, and accuracy is device-dependant
  • You can also navigate manually - pinch to zoom, tap and slide to pan the map

person holding mobile phone with map

Why can’t I see any assets?

PipeTracker is designed to show assets when zoomed in to street-level. This keeps things lightweight and responsive. The map will switch from Open Street Map to a property boundary view once you zoom in, and this is where you will see detailed asset information.

photo of phone screen with map

Can I measure distance on the map?
  • Basic measurement tools measurement icon within the measurement menu allow point to point measurement, to assist with locating assets in the real world 
  • Measurement tools must be toggled on and off – once you have toggled a tool ‘on’, you can close the menu and tap points on the map to start measuring. Return to the menu to toggle the tool back off again afterwards
  • When locating assets in relation to a property boundary, it is recommended that users measure from Boundary to Point to Boundary, to clearly display measurement results.

photo of measurement tool

Can I see other asset types?
  • By default, the map shows sewer assets only
  • Filters allow the display of Sewer, Water, Recycled Water or all Yarra Valley Water assets on the map filter icon
  • Each filter option includes a key to help users interpret the symbols on the map
  • Assets are only displayed at a street or property level zoom.
  • Water property connections are also not available on PipeTracker

image of filter options


How can I find additional asset attributes (length, depth, connection type)?
  • In PipeTracker, the asset feature information is currently only available for Sewer House Connection Branches, and includes length, depth and connection type information.
  • To access attribute information, press the <i> information icon, and then tap on the connection point.
  • If you require additional attribute information, or attributes for other asset types, please consider use of the desktop-based YARRA VALLEY WATER Asset Map

On a desktop? Use Yarra Valley Water Asset Map

Yarra Valley Water Asset Map is a full-featured asset information system, containing various map overlays and detailed information about asset features, as well as some advanced measuring tools. 

For more information on how to use the desktop Asset Map:

Download the user guide (PDF 2.19 MB)

Asset Map is only supported by desktop versions of Chrome, Edge or Firefox Browsers. Internet Explorer is not recommended. 

If initially the map does not load, please refresh the page. We apologise for this issue.

Open Asset Map

Using your own software

If you prefer to access Yarra Valley Water asset information using your own Geographic Information System (GIS), Web Feature Service (WFS) allows you to directly access and interact with our asset data while using your preferred GIS.

Please use this WFS call for a list of supported operations and services.

Please note, there are known issues with rendering geometry in ESRI Products and QGIS while downloading data using the Web Feature Service. Please see the attached documents for workarounds.

View how to obtain YVW GIS asset data manually  (3.85 MB)

View how to connect to YVW WFS feed (3.77 MB)


Yarra Valley Water freely provides its Sewer, Water and Recycled Water asset information to the public. Any person or group that uses this data does so at its own risk and should make their own on-site assessment and/or investigations as to the suitability/accuracy of the data.

Yarra Valley Water shall not be liable in any way to any person or group for loss of any kind including injury, damages, costs, interest, loss of profits arising from any use, error, inaccuracy, incompleteness or any other defects contained within the data. This data is not to be used to produce materials for sale to a third party, or for general sale, without prior written consent of Yarra Valley Water.


Need help?

Please contact us if you need help with the Asset Map or asset information.  Send your details and one of our GIS specialists will get back to you within 5 to 10 business days.