Water meters
Reading your water meter

Every three months a water read is scheduled to be completed.
Meter reading is carried out by our contractors from Service Stream who will be dressed in a blue uniform and display identification on arrival for your peace of mind. Your water meter is usually located at the front of your property.
The expected date of the next scheduled meter read is shown on your bill.
If our meter reader cannot read your meter, we may ask you to send us the reading on your meter so we can raise an accurate bill.
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Meter reading card
Every attempt is made to read your meter, however there are circumstances where this is not possible, such as locked gates, obstructions to the meter or unattended pets.
When we are unable to perform a meter read, we will leave a customer meter read card in your letterbox, telling you what the issue is and how you can provide a customer meter read directly to us.
Submit Meter Read card (outside)

Submit Meter Read card (inside)

Estimated Meters Reads
Where we are unable to gain access to your meter, an estimated meter read will be provided. An estimated read is calculated by us and is based the history of your water consumption at the property.
Once a meter read is provided by a customer read or by one of our contractors at the following meter read, we will update the consumption and provide a revised invoice. If the read is more than the read used for estimation, a revised invoice is not issued.
If a customer read is provided, we will update the consumption and provide a revised invoice.
Alternatively, if an actual read is obtained in the next meter read cycle that is less than the estimated read, we will update the consumption and provide a revised invoice.
Access to your water meter
Your meter must be accessible so we can read at the appropriate time. If we notice that something may prevent us from safely accessing your meter, then we may leave you a Meter Access card requesting for some action to be taken to ensure your future reads are not estimated.
Meter Access card (outside)

Meter Access card (inside)

We’ll advise you if we need you to submit a meter reading. You’ll also be able to request an adjusted bill. You won’t be charged for a meter reading you’ve taken or for the adjusted bill.
If you can’t make your meter accessible to us, we can arrange for a remote reading device to be fitted, on payment of a fee. A remote meter reading system may be installed in a multi-unit development so that meters can be read from a single location. Installing a remote meter reading system must still comply with all access requirements outlined above.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do if my meter is damaged or stolen?
If you notice your water meter is stolen, missing or damaged, please call us on 13 27 62 at any time and our friendly team can help you repair or replace your meter.
How do I move or temporarily move my water meter?
You may need to move your meter if you're making significant development changes at your property.
If you're relocating a drinking water meter less than 60 cm from its current location, a licensed plumber can complete this work. However, you must submit an application via easyACCESS if your property receives recycled water.
If you are relocating any water meter more than 60 cm from its current location, you need to submit an online application form for a new water connection through easyACCESS.
Go to easyACCESS
How do I submit a meter reading?
You can easily submit your meter reading online in a few easy steps.
If you received an estimated meter read and submit a a meter reading, we will send you a revised bill with the updated water use information.
If you need any assistance on how to read your meter, click here.
How do I read a commercial water meter?
If you receive water bills for a commercial or industrial property, you should have a commercial water meter.
See our full list of commercial water meters and how to read a commercial meter here.
Who is responsible for the water meter?
Yarra Valley Water is responsible for maintaining the water service up to and including the property meter. There are exceptions:
- Where there are multiple residences on a property, we are responsible for maintaining the water service up to and including the property meter, and individual residences’ meters excluding each residence’s individual water service and stop tap.
- Where there is no meter, we are responsible up to the first accessible stop tap.
- Where the meter is located within or beneath the walls of the structure, we are responsible up to the first accessible stop tap.
- Where the meter is located more than two metres inside the property boundary, we are responsible up to the property boundary.
- Where there is a private water main, we are responsible for the meter excluding the stop tap.
The information provided above is inline with
- Water Industry Standards (Section 5)
- Customer Charter (page 15)