Building outside your home
Including garage or shed, patio, installing a swimming pool, fence, studio or granny flat, or installing a rainwater tank.
Home renovations or extensions
Including extending or renovating an existing dwelling.
Knock down and rebuild
If you're demolishing an existing dwelling and building a new home or units on your property.
Separate metering of existing units
Information about the benefits of separate metering for units and changing your current meter arrangement.
Access Asset (GIS) information
Our online Asset Map contains up-to-date locations of current and proposed sewer, water and non-drinking water infrastructure

Develop & Build
Whether you're planning work at home, taking on a major development project, creating plans or you need more technical information you'll find all the information you need to get started.
Access Yarra Valley Water's water and sewer assets on desktop or mobile:
Ready to apply? Log in to easyACCESS.
Information for...
Related links
I need a
Get preliminary advice
Get advice regarding the provision of water and sewerage services for your proposed development.
Apply to connect
It's easy to apply online for connection and land development applications.
Combined sewerage drains
If you are building more than one building or lot, you cannot use an existing combined drain for the development.
Developing with recycled water
Find out your responsibilities when developing in Class A and mandated recycled water areas.
Access asset (GIS) information
Our online Asset Map contains up-to-date locations of current and proposed sewer, water and non-drinking water infrastructure
Related links
Log in to easyACCESS online
With easyACCESS you can log in and manage your development project online.
Damaged or stolen meter
Find out what you need to do if you need to replace a damaged or stolen meter.
Fire services
Get information on how to manage connection for fire services for your development project.
Pipe pressure and flow information
If you're connecting to the network you need to understand water pressure levels for the property.
Consultants or contractors must be accredited before planning or designing land development works.
Accredited contractors and consultants
Find an accredited consultant, land development contractor or live sewer contractor.
Development process
A typical development project can be summarised into five stages.
Standards, policies and products
View the relevant list of standards and specifications, plus approved products and policies.
Pipe pressure and flow information
Find out how to access pressure and flow information for your development.
Approved products and materials
Certain products and materials are to be considered and used when constructing infrastructure.
Access asset (GIS) information
Our online Asset Map contains up-to-date locations of current and proposed sewer, water and non-drinking water infrastructure
Log in to Works Portal
Create, manage and track all land development projects where assets need to be built
Related links
Live sewer contractors
Find an accredited live sewer contractor for the Yarra Valley Water area.
Land Development Manual
Servicing requirements for land development activities.
Get preliminary advice
We can provide you with advice before you undertake a large development project.
Get a property asset plan
Find out where water and sewer assets, and easements are located on a property.

Apply online
Use our easyACCESS portal to make applications for meters, PIC numbers, or pressure and flow information on Yarra valley Waters water mains.
PIC numbers
PIC numbers are required to register your work with the Victorian Building Authority.
Water metering and servicing guidelines
These guidelines detail conditions that apply when servicing new developments, making alterations or general water metering arrangements.
Working with recycled water
Read about special conditions for working in Class A mandated recycled water areas or arrange an inspection.
Access asset (GIS) information
Our online Asset Map contains up-to-date locations of current and proposed sewer, water and non-drinking water infrastructure
Related links
Locate our assets
If you need to access water and sewer infrastructure plans for a property, there are two ways to apply.
Backflow prevention
Find out whether a backflow prevention device is required, your responsibilities and how to install.
Pipe pressure and flow information
If you need information about water pressure and flow for a property, you can request this online.
Get a property asset plan
Find out where water and sewer assets, and easements are located on a property.