Yarra Valley Water


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Prepare for summer

With a hotter summer and greater bushfire risk expected, now's the time to prepare. Be ready, stay safe and water-wise with these handy tips.

What you can do

  • Update your contact details: Ensure your contact information is up to date to receive timely information, including emergency SMS notifications from us.
  • Stay informed: use our Faults Map to check for updates and restoration times during service interruptions.
  • Report a fault quickly: Save our report a fault page to your mobile device or use the Snap Send Solve app. You can also call us on 13 27 62.
  • Follow us on Facebook: Stay up to date on service updates, projects, and important announcements by following our Yarra Valley Water Alerts page on Facebook.

What we'll do in severe or extreme heat

  • We’ll reschedule planned works to the next available business day.
  • Only emergency works will be carried out.
  • We’ll do our best to let you know if your water supply needs to be turned off.
  • If your water supply is turned off and you have special water supply needs, please let us know by calling 13 27 62.

For more information on the national heatwave warning system, visit www.health.vic.gov.au/environmental-health/heat-health-warning 

Beat the heat

Stay safe and cool during extreme heat with these tips:

  • Stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Avoid sugary or alcoholic drinks.
  • Use air conditioning or electric fans if available.
  • Stay indoors or in shaded areas during the hottest hours of the day. Consider visiting an air-conditioned building such as a shopping centre or public library.
  • Keep skin wet using a spray bottle or damp sponge, or soak a towel in cool tap water and wrap it loosely around your head.
  • Take cool showers or foot baths with cool tap water.
  • Wrap ice cubes in a damp towel and drape around your neck.
  • Use our tap finder to stay hydrated by refilling your water bottle on the go. 

Please remember to check on vulnerable people, such as elderly neighbours or family members.

For more information on staying safe during extreme heat, see https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/extreme-heat

Visit Choose Tap to use our Tap Finder

Bushfire season

Victoria is one of the most fire-prone areas globally, with several high-risk municipalities within our service area. Preparation is vital to staying safe.

  • Before: create a bushfire plan and include enough water for drinking, cooking, and hygiene during emergencies. Consider having an independent water supply if you plan to defend your property from bushfires.
  • During: follow CFA advice and remain updated on local conditions.
  • After: stay informed about water quality and restrictions in your area.A hot and dry summer brings the risk of bushfires, and it pays to be prepared.

Bushfire information

Leaks and bursts

Hot weather causes Melbourne’s clay soils to shift, increasing the risk of pipes bursting or leaks. We prioritise larger leaks first to minimise water loss and community disruption.

Report a fault online

What happens when I report a fault?

Saving water in summer

With rising temperatures and increased demand for water, every drop counts. Here are some simple ways to save water:

  • Water your garden early morning or late evening to reduce evaporation.
  • Plant drought-tolerant species and use mulch to lock in moisture, so your garden can thrive during drier conditions.
  • Fix dripping taps, wash full loads of dishes and clothes, and switch to water-efficient appliances.

Discover more water-saving tips