Our Commitment to Reconciliation

We launched our second Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) in 2020 to reaffirm our commitment to reconciliation and strengthen ties with Traditional Custodians and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Our Stretch RAP 2020-2023 is central to our purpose to support the health and wellbeing of our customers and create a brighter future for communities and the natural environment.
Since the launch of our first Reconciliation Action Plan in 2017, we’ve worked to raise cultural awareness among our staff and the broader community, create a more diverse workplace and develop respectful relationships with Traditional Custodians and the Aboriginal community.
Now we’re ready to take our commitment to the next level – setting employment and procurement targets and working to ensure Traditional Custodians are actively involved in planning and managing water resources.
Our vision for reconciliation is that all who live on this land acknowledge our shared history and move forward, together, in a respectful way.
We will focus on strengthening our relationships to continue to support meaningful engagement and achieve greater inclusion and participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the water sector.
We recognise the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have in our work as customers, suppliers, contractors and employees. We’re committed to providing opportunities that support building the capacity and capabilities of local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, including employment and economic opportunities, as well as addressing inequality.
Our Stretch RAP was developed through a consultative process and acknowledges Reconciliation Australia’s five dimensions of reconciliation - race relations, equality and equity, institutional integrity, unity and historical acceptance.
Download our Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (PDF, 8.5MB).
Download our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (PDF, 2.7MB)