Yarra Valley Water


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Works by Authorities/Utilities

Yarra Valley Water’s Authority Works Team will help you and your contractors manage potential impacts of your works on water and sewer assets. This will ensure high service standards for YVW customers and the community, during your works and into the future.

Authority Works are those by councils, other utility providers, and government entities. For example, level crossing removal projects, road widening works, councils installing new drains or telco companies needing access to equipment within YVW sites.

Step 1: Assess the impacts to Yarra Valley Water assets in the vicinity of your works

It is your responsibility to identify any potential impacts of the proposed works using the following links to access YVW asset information:

IMPORTANT - YVW needs to know as early as possible if proposed construction works are identified as potentially impacting a Yarra Valley Water asset(s), i.e. occurring within three lateral metres. 

Please submit an application to Yarra Valley Water's Authority Works Team, using the form below.

Step 2: Submit an application

What type of works are proposed?
What type of works are proposed?
After you have reviewed your plans in relation to the YVW Asset Protection Minimum Requirements - are any YVW assets potentially impacted?
Maximum 10 files.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif jpg pdf doc docx.