Yarra Valley Water


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Mandatory sewer inspections

For developments in the Greenvale Reservoir area, a Mandatory Sewer Inspection is required to ensure that there is no infiltration from cracked pipes into the ground water that could potentially reach the Greenvale Reservoir.

All plumbing works within each property, between the dwelling(s) and our property sewer branch, must be inspected before trenches are backfilled.

CCTV (Closed Circuit TV) is also required to be carried out by the original Developer of the Estate / Stage.

If your PIC number starts with 1201 or 1203, it is in the Greenvale Reservoir area and you are required to arrange a mandatory sewer inspection with us.

To book mandatory sewer inspections on our online system, you will need to register your details first. Registration is available in our Plumbing Inspection System.

A list of frequently asked questions is available or for booking inspection related enquiries:

Booking inspection enquiries:

Email: [email protected]
Ph: 03 9872 2518