Yarra Valley Water


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The Board has overall responsibility for Corporate Governance which reflects the manner in which we conduct our business.

Role of the Board

The Board of Directors is responsible for setting the strategic direction, establishing goals for management and monitoring their achievement and monitoring the performance of the business. 

Day-to-day responsibility for operations and administration is delegated by the Board to the Managing Director and the Executive Team.

Members of the Executive Team are invited to Board meetings when their areas of operational responsibility are considered.  The Board ensures that funds are used to deliver the best possible service to our customers and financial returns to the State Government.

Board membership

The Board has ten directors comprising a non-executive Chair, eight non-executive directors and one executive director (the Managing Director).

The non-executive Chair and non-executive directors are appointed by the Minister for Water.  The Managing Director is appointed by the Board.

The Directors come from a wide range of backgrounds and bring to the Board an appropriate mix of skills and experience.

Board Charter

The Board Charter clearly sets out clearly the role, responsibilities and powers of the Board and incorporates all aspects of Board governance, along with referencing the source of the items included in the Charter. 

As required by the Charter, the Board undertakes a review of the Charter at least every three years and may amend the Charter if required at any time. 

Code of conduct

The Board has adopted a Directors' Code of Conduct based on the Code of Conduct issued by the Victorian Public Sector Standards Commissioner. 

Declaration of private interests

All Directors have completed a declaration of private interests. 

All executives, senior managers, officers and contractors/consultants, with delegation to approve expenditure in excess of $20,000, are required to complete an annual "Declaration of Private Interests".

Independent professional advice

The Board has adopted a number of measures to ensure that independent judgement is achieved and maintained.  Directors are entitled to seek independent professional advice on matters relating to the business of Yarra Valley Water at the Corporation's expense, subject to the prior approval of the Chair.

Board performance review

In order to monitor its own performance, the Board has adopted a Policy on Performance Review of the Board.  This provides for the following. 

(a) Two-yearly - Conduct an externally facilitated performance review of the Board.

(b) Alternative year to (a) - Conduct an internal assessment of the Board's performance. 

(c) Annually - Progress on the Board's performance is to be measured against the agreed actions arising from performance reviews.

Induction and training

The Board has adopted a Training and Development Policy for Directors.  This policy facilitates appropriate training and development opportunities for Directors to enable them to fulfill their role, broaden their knowledge and share this knowledge with the rest of the Board.

All newly appointed Directors are required to undertake an induction program to help them understand their role and encourage fulfilment of their Board responsibilities.   The induction program includes an overview of the Yarra Valley Water business, the water industry and the linkages with Government. 

Directors also attend seminars and other events to broaden their exposure to water industry issues and initiatives.

Board committees

The Board has established the following Committees of Directors to assist it in carrying out its responsibilities and to allow detailed consideration of complex issues.   Each Board Committee has its own terms of reference, which set out the Committee’s objectives, duties and responsibilities, composition, meetings, authority and reporting responsibilities.

At Board meetings, where the minutes of Committee meetings are presented, the Chair of the Committee highlights key issues under consideration by the Committee.

  • Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee
    The Risk Management and Audit Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its duties and responsibilities relating to risk management, the effectiveness of internal controls and the accounting and reporting practices of the business, reviewing financial reports and overseeing the audits conducted by the internal and external auditors. 
    The majority of Committee members have financial expertise. 
  • Customer, Asset and Sustainability Committee
    The Service, Community, Assets and Regulation Committee assists the Board with oversight to ensure the business is currently meeting customer needs, community expectations and regulatory obligations, and insights and oversight of the business's plans to meet customer needs, engage with community and address regulatory requirements in the future.
  • Leadership, Culture and Wellbeing Committee
    The Leadership, Culture and Diversity Committee assists the Board in reviewing strategies and policies to ensure that critical actions and plans are in place to implement and develop the business’ people and culture, the adequacy of the Executive Remuneration Framework, the Management Succession Plan and the Corporation’s Diversity Policy, Strategy and Action Plans.

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality policy

As a state-owned water corporation, it is important that Yarra Valley Water upholds the highest level of public integrity and confidence and as such, Yarra Valley Water has a Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality policy. The policy sets out how Yarra Valley Water’s Board of Directors and employees will respond to an offer of a gift, benefit or hospitality. It aims to minimise gift offers made to and accepted by our Board of Directors and employees.

GBH REGISTER 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2024.pdf

Privacy collection statement (123 KB)

Compliance with Legislation

Compliance Framework

Being a highly regulated business and one which strives to achieve its own high internal standards places the Corporation in a position where many tasks or obligations must be performed within certain timeframes.  To meet or exceed these obligations, a Compliance Framework has been developed that identifies these tasks and ensures they are performed within the required timeframe.  This approach ensures that the business meets the service obligations and the expectations of all our stakeholders.

Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014

As the holder of customers’ confidential and personal information, we are conscious of the need to ensure that this information is protected and to prevent any unauthorised access to, and improper use of, that information.  

A Privacy Policy and Code of Practice is in place for our employees, contractors and agency staff to ensure that customer information is protected.

Privacy issues can be directed to 

Frank Portelli
Manager Enterprise Risk and Governance
Yarra Valley Water
25-35 Lucknow Street
Mitcham VIC 3132
Telephone: (03) 9872 2634
Email: [email protected]

Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012

We have procedures in place to help employees and contractors understand the requirements and obligations under the Public Interest Disclosure Act and to facilitate the making and handling of disclosures and the notification of such disclosures to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission.  These procedures are available to the public at Yarra Valley Water's office in Lucknow Street, Mitcham.

To support our Code of Conduct, Yarra Valley Water has a whistleblower program that staff, contractors and customers can access. This program now provides access to Stopline, a confidential, independent provider of whistleblowing services who can take full details of your concerns via telephone, mail, email, fax or the website.

Visit the Stopline website

Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 1982

Yarra Valley Water is committed to ensuring information is accessible to customers in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982.  Requests for access to Yarra Valley Water documents under the Act are to be made in writing and addressed to:

Frank Portelli
Manager Enterprise Risk and Governance
Yarra Valley Water
25-35 Lucknow Street
Mitcham VIC 3132

Or via email to [email protected].

Once received, we'll acknowledge your application electronically or via mail. We'll confirm the FOI reference and ask you to pay the $32.70 FOI application fee (effective 1 July 2024) electronically into our Yarra Valley Water account. Details as follows:


Bank Details:  WESTPAC, Shop 11, 33 Mahoney’s Road, Forest Hill, VIC 3131

BSB: 033-135     

Account Number: 47-6808

Please send the remittance advice to [email protected] (please quote your ‘FOI Reference Number’ in your remittance).

General enquiries relating to Freedom of Information can be made by telephoning (03) 9872 2634 between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday or email [email protected].