Sensory garden to help students flourish thanks to Yarra Valley Water grant

The $10,000 grant will be used to turn an under-utilised area of the school grounds into a landscaped sanctuary featuring native plants.
“The new sensory garden will be a fantastic asset for the children of our school community, their siblings and families, and will especially benefit children who require some sensory respite,” said Monbulk Primary School principal Estelle Alder.
Ms Alder said local wildlife would also benefit from rehabilitating the area, which has been fenced off for recent nearby school building works and has had several large trees removed because of safety concerns during storms and high wind.
She said the rehabilitation would include native plants, continuing the important connection to Country established by the earlier installation of an Indigenous Red Circle in partnership with local elder Murrindindi.
The sensory garden would also be water efficient to meet the school’s sustainability goals.
The $10,000 grant will go towards landscape design and materials, plants, pavers and labour.
Ms Alder said the school would also look to partner with local businesses and groups, along with calling on school families, to help deliver the sensory garden, making it a true community project.
Yarra Valley Water’s General Manager Strategy and Community, Tiffany White, congratulated the school on their vision to transform an under-utilised part of their grounds.
“Monbulk Primary’s sensory garden project is such a clever and considered way to bring this corner of the school’s grounds back to life, creating a great space for both students and local wildlife, and bringing the community together to make it happen,” Ms White said.
“Caring for Country and enhancing biodiversity are key goals for YVW as we deliver our essential services, and it’s wonderful to see those benefits being realised here in Monbulk. We’re proud to support a project with such a meaningful impact and can’t wait to see it finished.”