Yarra Valley Water


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Kew-Balwyn Water Upgrade Project

We have completed work on the Kew-Balwyn Water Main Upgrade – a once in 100-year project which will provide a reliable and efficient water supply to 14,000 properties in the Kew to Balwyn area.

Some of the existing water supply pipes in the area are up to 100 years old.

Project details

Upgrading these water supply pipes involved having a construction contractor doing work in some local streets. 

Due to the size of the project, works were completed in two separate stages:

  • Stage 1 – May 2018 to June 2019
  • Stage 2 – August 2019 to mid-2020

Map of works

Map of where new water pipes will be built


Extension of works along Denmark Street, Kew

In July 2020,  we began work to upgrade the water main along Denmark Street, Kew. We started near the intersection with Wellington Road and ended at Barkers Road.

Our project partners, MFJ Constructions, contacted residents to confirm when works were scheduled at the front of their property.

This additional section of the project was completed in September 2020, under COVID-Safe conditions.

Construction details

See below details of construction techniques and updates on how each stage progressed.

Stage 1 works update

The work involved replacing or renewing about 3 kilometres of existing pipe, which was mostly located beneath the road surface.

Construction activities started in May 2018 and were completed in June 2019.

Map showing where pipes are being built for Stage 1
The blue line shows where pipes have already been built.
The red line shows where pipes have yet to be built.


MFJ Constructions worked in Grange Road, between Reservoir Reserve and Cotham Road. This was the final section of the Stage 1 works.

To complete this section of work as quickly as possible, some Grange Road traffic and parking lane closures were required during construction hours. Works progressed from the Sackville Street end, and MFJ Constructions worked in the same area for 3-5 weeks before moving along towards Reservoir Reserve.

Stage 2 works update

Our contractor, MFJ Constructions, began work in late August 2019. Construction was completed in mid-2020.


The red line shows where water supply pipes will be replaced.

Construction details

  • MFJ Constructions’ first section of work will be on Mont Victor Road, between Vista Avenue and Stoke Avenue. Other works within Mont Victor Road occurred during the upcoming September school holiday period.
  • The existing water supply pipes are located beneath the road surface, so most work occurred within the roadway of local streets.
  • Work were typically be happening in the same location for 2-5 weeks. As sections of pipe were completed, construction activities moved up the street.
  • Road closures around Genazzano College were coordinated, where possible, to occur during the school holiday period, to avoid significant traffic flow disruptions occurring during the school term.
  • From Wednesday 6 November 2019 to Wednesday 20 November 2019, the section of the water main at the intersection of Myrtle Avenue / Normanby was scheduled to occur.
  • The next section of the water main on Parkhill Road occurred between Monday 18 November to Wednesday 18 December 2019.
Project Update - July 2020

In July we started work to replace the water main along Denmark Street, Kew.

While our pipeline construction work is being completed you will receive your drinking water supply from an above-ground pipe.

Our project partners, MFJ Constructions, will contact you to confirm when works are scheduled at the front of your property.

View July 2020 newsletter

Community impacts

Local water and sewerage services will not be affected by these works.

Despite our efforts to minimise the impacts of these works on the local community, you will at times notice construction noise, dust, and traffic disruptions.

For Parkhill Road works, the bin trucks will have access to the South side of Parkhill Road only during bin days. For properties fronting the work area, please leave your bin on Southside of Parkhill Road during the closure period (18 November to 18 December 2019).

Schedule of road closures

Road closures will only be in effect during work hours. Roads will be open as usual overnight and most of the weekend.

Grange Road (Sackville Street to laneway)early April to mid-May 2019Full road closure
Grange Road (laneway to Cotham Road)mid-May to early June 2019Full road closure
Myrtle Avenue/Normanby Road Intersection6 to 20 November 2019Intersection closed
Parkhill Road Eastbound Lane18 November to 18 DecemberEastbound lane closed between Adeney Avenue and Normanby Road

Road closures around schools are being coordinated, where possible, to occur during the school holiday period, to avoid significant traffic flow disruptions occurring during the school term.

Some road lanes will be closed to traffic for weeks at a time, which means some on-street car parks will temporarily not be available. Residents may need to park their vehicles down the street as works are being completed. Driveway access to some properties may also be restricted for brief periods during construction hours.

A Council-approved traffic management plan will be in effect to ensure workers, pedestrians, cyclists and motorists are safe.