Yarra Valley Water


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Mernda Tank Project

Yarra Valley Water has constructed a new water reservoir tank in South Morang to secure water pressures for customers in the area.

As Melbourne’s Northern Growth Corridor continues to expand, so do the number of customers in the Mernda and South Morang areas. As a result, a need to update Yarra Valley Water’s infrastructure by constructing a dedicated tank for Mernda residents was identified.

Tank construction works

The new Mernda Reservoir water tank is 35 metres in diameter and 15 metres high. It is constructed of welded steel to help ensure the water remains free of microbiological contamination. It will hold 12 million litres of water – that’s about five Olympic sized swimming pools.

The tank is located on a hill north of Granite Hills Park, on land purchased over a decade ago by Yarra Valley Water. Construction was deferred until population growth in the area demanded it. Whittlesea Council plans to enhance the surrounding parkland in coming years as part of its wider Quarry Hills bushland park master plan. 

photo of water tank and surrounding area


The Mernda tank’s top water level is about 250 metres above sea level, placing it about 80 metres higher than houses in the service area.

Construction was completed in 2020 and the Mernda Reservoir is now supplying water to the network. Supply to the area will be secured further with construction of the Buttress Crescent Pump Station, scheduled to occur during 2021-2022.



Project Updates

November 2019

Cravens Road works - resurfacing

Yarra Valley Water’s new pipework in Cravens Road is now installed. Resurfacing of Cravens Road is scheduled for completion in early November.

Hunters Road works - underground electric cable

To connect the tank site to the electricity network, new underground cable must be installed for approximately 200 metres along Hunters Road. This work is scheduled to start in November 2019 with completion expected in February 2020.


Cravens Road and Hunters Road works

The map above shows where works will occur.

August 2019

Cravens Road construction works

Approximately 230 metres of new water mains need to be constructed under Cravens Road to connect the tank site to the water network. These works are scheduled to commence in July and are expected to take about eight weeks, subject to suitable weather and ground conditions.

Please refer to the below map of where construction will occur.

Community impacts

There will be no planned disruptions to your water and sewer services due to these works. 

Despite our efforts to minimise the impacts on the local community, you will at times notice construction noise, dust, and traffic disruptions. 

A Council-approved traffic management plan will be in effect to ensure workers, pedestrians, cyclists and motorists are safe. We will ensure you always have access to your driveway.


Map of where works in Mernda

The map above shows where works will occur - the red line represents where the new water main will be constructed.